
Skybox data is a JSON object, commonly used in solar system data or planet data.


"attached_skybox_texture_id": string, name of a texture in …/assets/cosmic/textures (file extension not needed)

"yaw": int, yaw of the skybox texture

"pitch": int, pitch of the skybox texture

"roll": int, roll of the skybox texture

"alpha": int, from 0 to 255. Transparency of the skybox. Behind the skybox is simply sky fog. 0 is no skybox visible, 255 is no fog visible.

"rotation_plane": string, can be either “yaw”, “pitch” or “roll”. Controls which axis the skybox will rotate around. (Optional)

"fade": string, can be “day” or “night”. Defines when the skybox will fade away. (Optional)

"vanilla_sunlight": boolean, controls weather the sunlight color will be vanilla or not.

"sunlight_color": JSON object, must be included if "vanilla_sunlight" is false. Must include the following:

Sunlight color

“r”: int, from 0 to 255. Controls the red in the sunlight color

“g”: int, from 0 to 255. Controls the green in the sunlight color

“b”: int, from 0 to 255. Controls the blue in the sunlight color

“alpha”: int, from 0 to 255. Controls the transparency of the sunlight. Basically the brightness of the sunlight. 255 is full brightness, 0 is darkness.